FMBH3 Run #116
Fools Moon
Thursday, 2 July 2015, 18:30 CEST
: Sickla Allé 13
: Blind Pew (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T201cFkydGlZWEp5WVdKc1pVQm9iM1J0WVdsc0xtTnZiU0krYm1samEySmhjbkpoWW14bFFHaHZkRzFoYVd3dVkyOXRQQzloUGc9PTwvc3Bhbj4=)
: 10 kr
: Sickla Allé 13

Thursday 2nd July IS the next Full Moon!

SFMH3 Run # 111 Whatever
When: Thursday, 2 July 2015, 18:30 
Where: Sickla Alle 13 
Hare: Blind Pew 
Cost: 40 SEK for post run pasta. Some extra stronger alcohol at cost, bring some more cash if you want it.

The boring details....

Directions: Bus 401 or 403 from Slussen, departures every 6 minutes in rush hour, every 15/20 when you want to go home.
Alight at Bus stop "Sickla Alle" - 5 stops from Slussen, c. 8 mins. Follow half arrows. Leave baggage in our apartment on the 9th floor.
Motor car drivers may be able to park on Sickla Alle for free (there are 9 x 2 tim P-skiva places, valid till 2000hrs.) or pay 5kr/tim. Or park in Sickla Kopkvarter 3 tims P-skiva and walk over, or Sickla Strand has some free parking and walk 400m to Sickla Alle.)

Trail: Lots of forest. Not pram friendly or especially bike friendly. Goat friendly. Could get physical as there are some hills around. Full Moon trails are normally longer and more running focused, but I shall lay short cuts, E/Ts and will probably make it so that you can cut the last 20% of the trail if you want. I will aim for 15kms roughly for the full thing including some checking.

Swim: We are next to Sickla Sjon so bring swim stuff for post run dip. Water should be tropical by 2nd July! (Shower available in apartment. Sorry - no sauna.)

Post Run/Swim: Assuming the weather is nice, we will be on our 13th floor roof top terrace. (Some were already there for a drinks stop a couple of months ago on a BMW trail). Fine views of Sodermalm, Nacka and Nackareservatet, and some ski slope. Plenty of room for a large crowd.

Cumming? In the week before. I shall ask if you would be so kind as to let me know if you will be attendance so I can cater accordingly. We should be delighted if as many of you as possible could make it. It will be the day after Termite's Underground in Stuvsta.

You'd be a Fool to miss the Fool Moon!


Best wishes,
Blind Pew (with help from Duracell)
Nick Barrable
+46 (0)73 9679936

Last updated over 8 years ago.