SAH3 Run #774
ÅH3 10 yearz
Saturday, 1 July 2017, 13:00 CEST
: Viking/Silja terminalen Mariehamn
: 2 Swedes Cummin (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T2pKemQyVmtaWE5qYjIxcGJtZEFaMjFoYVd3dVkyOXRJajR5YzNkbFpHVnpZMjl0YVc1blFHZHRZV2xzTG1OdmJUd3ZZVDQ9PC9zcGFuPg==)
: 120 kr
: Hemholmen, Svinö, Lumparland

Alternative 1: Just the hash with circle in Mariehamn and get back the same day:

Recomended floating device: Book Viking Line

   Kapellskär lö 1/7-/2017 kl. 09.00 - Mariehamn 1/7-2017 kl. 12.15 Rosella

   Mariehamn lö 1/7-2017 kl. 18.30 - Kapellskär 1/7-2017 kl. 19.45 Rosella

For those who want connecting Vikingline bus departs kl. 07.40 from  Cityterminalen to Kapellskär


Alternative 2: The Hash in Mariehamn and overnight at Hemholmen.

Recomended floating device: Book Viking Line

   Kapellskär lö 1/7-/2017 kl. 09.00 - Mariehamn 1/7-2017 kl. 12.15 Rosella

   Mariehamn sö 2/7-2017 kl. 12.45 - Kapellskär 2/7-2017 kl. 14.00 Rosella

  (Car with 5 people return 420kr, club Viking member 250kr)

Alternative 3: Sail your own floating device to Hemholmen: N 60.079428, E 20.274345

Please let 2Swedes know if your sailing


HASH STARTS WHEN ALL IS OUT OF VIKING ROSELLA approx 13:00 hrs, close to arrival terminal


We offer Tics

We provide mosquitos

U have to bring own living quarters

There are No toilets

There will be snoring

There will steamin drunk loud sapiens in Sauna

U have to swim in the cold sea to get clean

It will propably rain


Its a hassle, U need to get a ship and pre register


Welcum to the Åland Hash -


Runnerz, walkerz, drinkstopz, swimstop, beerz...

ON AFTER and OVERNIGHT on the island Hemholmen, Lumparland, 25 km east from Mariehamn.

BEER, Camping, Dinner, New record in Sauna, Swimming and BEER, Wine, breakfast and a great Hangover. with some luck – a Lapinkulta sunset

To get there we need to share cars and then go with small floating device 300 m.

Overnight camping on the island, bring own tent and sleeping utencils.

Summer place is basic: no electricity, no water on tap, no flush toilet (but we do provide tics n mosquitos for free)


PLEASE register if You R Coming by emailing 2 Swedes and answer the following:


1.Your Hash name?

2.Will U only B cummin to Mariehamn or will U stay over in Hemholmen?

3.Do U plan to bring car / do U have spare seats for following hashers?

4.Do U wish join rent with someone or share UR tent?

5.Any foodallergies/ animal or veggie fear



2 Swedes Coming +46-70-2328001 PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOjJTd2VkZXNjb21pbmdAZ21haWwuY29tIj4yU3dlZGVzY29taW5nQGdtYWlsLmNvbTwvYT4=



ÅH3 - Practical info



Where can we park while on Hash in Mariehamn.

  • Marieparks parking, first right as U come around n up from Rosella ((Möckelöbrinken) if full, Along street to left after parking (Neptunigatan) is maby ok.

Where do we meet?

  • At white Stones in middle of Grass 40m to right of passenger terminal exit.

Will there be beer?

  • stupid question, next.

What should I wear on trail?

  • Hashclothes, maby mug n swimgear, ticreppellent aftrrshave.

Will there be walkers trail?

  • most likely.

Will there be drinkstop?

  • stupid question, next.



How do we find the way to Hemholmen?

  • 1. Type into  U R mobiledevice "27 Nya Hamnvägen Lumparland". 
  • 2. Drive n listen to the mobiles advice n pray its correct.
  • 3. After about 22km on road 3 you turn right towards Svinö (Big blue sign). Go 800m up the steep hill and then turn to the left U find a small gravel road Goin down (Nya Hamnvägen) Go straight, slight left in 1 st junction, right in 2nd junction, left in 3rd junction then U hit jetty.

Where do we park?

  • try to find space around jetty, if very full there is also some space if U go back to closest junction n go in abou 30m.

Can we bring camper on floating vessel to Hemholmen?

  • U can always try... 

What should I bring?

  • camping n sleeping gear, clothes for weather, repellent, towel, etc.

Will there be beer n wine?

  • Yes, canned beer n glass whine for 5-10kr, U pay what U want, honesty list will be provided. Do U want fancy beer, buy in taxfree on Rosella.

Will there be Sauna?

  • U R on Åland, of course, current record is 15 hashers.

What food is included?

  • Maincorse with alternative (for those who told ahead), hot dog in the night and great hangover breakfast. 

Are there tics n mosquitos?

  • Yes, they are included




  • on Hemholmen it would be great if help out with some things.
  • A rowing captain is welcum
  • Crush Empty cans n put in plastic bag saying "empty crushed cans"
  • Separate waste in bins
  • When Goin back on sunday it would be great if some Trash join U.
  • Any grillmaster R welcum to help with grilling night hotdog
  • If U need to P, forest is ok, Long drop WC is for number 2.

Last updated over 7 years ago.