SUH3 Run #1529
FROTHY - First Run Of The Hash Year
Wednesday, 3 January 2024, 18:30 CET
: Brunnsgatan 18, BRF Österbotten 32 Community Hall
: Steelbox & Cockholm Syndrome (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21OeWFYTjBhV0Z1TG1aeVlXNTZaVzVBWjIxaGFXd3VZMjl0SWo1amNtbHpkR2xoYmk1bWNtRnVlbVZ1UUdkdFlXbHNMbU52YlR3dllUND08L3NwYW4+ICZhbXA7IDxhIGhyZWY9InRlbDowNzMwMzI0OTA0Ij4wNzMwMzI0OTA0PC9hPg==)
: -7 °C, heavy snowfall, overcast, moderate breeze.
: 20 kr
: Hares will provide sustenance (food and drinks) at cost.

Please come from the south, i.e get of at Hötorget (T), and take stairs from Kungsgatan up to Regeringsgatan, or walk Apelbergsgatan - Brunnsgatan from Sveavägen.
Optionally you can arrive at Östermalmstorg (T) and take Birger Jarlsgatan - Brunnsgatan.
It will be more fun for you if you refrain from arriving from North.


First Run Of The Hash Year, FROTHY.

Let's hope we get really crisp white glistening snow so that we can use our green flour. If not, I guess the trail will be laid in railroad chalk for most parts. Expect Chicago signs. Listen carefully on chalk talk.

Drink stops are not yet coordinated. Expect the worst. 

There will definitely be a runner's trail. Walkers will be sorted out too.

We will host the On Inn in our HOA community hall. It's more of a living room than a hall, but it will do for you, buggers. We can stay 'til 22-ish. Who knows what will happen next?

There will be an organized food option. Most likely something easy that everyone can eat, except for those with the most rare and obscure allergies. We will also provide with beers. Beers will be of the cheaper variety. Food and beer will be at a small fee to cover expenses. Let us know if you plan to attend, preferably before the end of 2023.

Last updated 10 months ago.