SUH3 Run #1559
The Rescue Run
Wednesday, 31 July 2024, 18:30 CEST
: Parkvägen 7, 169 35 Solna
: Dengue Dick (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T204dVluSnBaWFJBWjIxaGFXd3VZMjl0SWo1dkxtSnlhV1YwUUdkdFlXbHNMbU52YlR3dllUND08L3NwYW4+)
: 21 °C, light rain, partially cloudy, light breeze.
: 20 kr
: Hare's Form

Public transport: Metro/tram stop Solna Centrum (Norra) (side:Tvärbanan), exit the metro in the direction of the train when coming from town (Note that this is the opposite direction from many previous runs in Solna Centrum), follow your mobile phone navigation directions or hash whole arrows or signs for pedestrians in the direction of Mall of Scandinavia / Arena until you hit a red fence. Or take bus 156/509/515/595/952 stop Råsunda / Stråket / Bollgatan.
Private transport: walk, park your bike in the garden or your car in the street (and pay).


As a Wednesday without a run is unthinkable, let's jump to a last-minute rescue with the Rescue run/walk.
There will also be weather and drink, but no swimstop.

The On-Inn is the Hares' Form (a garden). A bag drop place is available, as well as a sitting toilet (no standing!).

In case of rain, a small carport is available to keep us dry.

Hash food: In the Hares' Form, a small BBQ will be available to grill your own sausage or alternative.
So bring your own grillable, bun, and salad of your liking, buy food before the run from one of the grocery shops in Solna Centrum, or after the run from the ICA Nära at 3 minutes walking from the On Inn. There are also a pizzeria,  a sushi place and other options that do take-away around the corner.
Cutlary will be provided, as well as beer at cost-prices.


SMHI is "ganska säker" that we are in for rain during the run, and I have not heard anything from our RA, so bring your brolly, raincoat, or a change of clothes and a towel just in case the RA does a shitty job in changing the odds. It should dry/clear up during circle time though. If still raining thereafter, hangry hashers can always opt for a dry restaurant in the neighbourhood.



Thanks RA for jumping to the task and averting the bad weather. The SMHI prediction looks much more positive now!


Last updated about 2 months ago.