SUH3 Run #1432
Wednesday, 2 March 2022, 18:30 CET
: Hjorthagen / Ropsten
: Pirate of the Queeribbean & Frozen Balls (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3OTMzNzE0NjEiPjA3OTMzNzE0NjE8L2E+)
: 3 °C, clear, light breeze.
: 20 kr
: Restaurang Bambina

Take red line #13 towards Ropsten, stay in the back end of the train, take the escalator up from the platform and turn right after the barriers to find the lift or walk 5 meters more for the escalator up to Hjorthagen. There are also plenty of choices of buses to Ropsten. If you´re c*ming by car, set your multi-directional device to Nimrodsgatan or Artemisgatan. Streetparking only.


There will be both runners & walkers trail, both trails have icy parts. So some studds in your shoes will most likely be handy! Runners trail also a bit shiggy/ wet. Runners will need some lighting in parts of the trail. There will be a drinkstop so bring your inflatable cup or your dingy.

It is Frozen Balls 42th birthday again so it will be celebrated!

BUT as Europe has dark clouds and are under attack in the east, we encourage you all to do a little donation to help out in Ukraine. We are not organizeing any collection, but want you all to do your bit yourself. Maybe you can time your kilometers on the run with a certain amount of $$$ and SWISH it to one of the following (or any other of your choice):

Röda Korset - 9008079    Unicef - 9020017     Rädda Barnen - 9020033

NB: as blue and yellow is the colours of Ukraine, it´s a good opportunity to air your sweden shirt or something similar on the run and in the pub!

Last updated over 2 years ago.