SUH3 Run #1434
The Irish Run
Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 18:30 CET
: Hötorget
: Tranny Granny
: 5 °C, clear, light air.
: 20 kr
: The Auld Dub

Green line to Hötorget, from platform follow signs to  Olaf Palmes Gatan and take the exit nearest to the Subway sandwich shop. There will be half arrows to the pub from the top of the stairs. 


The next day is St. Patrick's Day, so wear green and/or silly Paddy's Day hats. 

Expect a shi**y trail and "Irish" drinks. 

Bags can be left at the pub if we don't have a hash car, but the usual recommendations not to leave valuables in them applies. 

Tables are reserved for food/drinks after the r*n. 

Last updated over 2 years ago.