SUH3 Run #1469
The Movember # no 7 and virtual mile day hash
Wednesday, 16 November 2022, 18:30 CET
: Årstadal
: Ferdinand TBS & SillyConFeet (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21kMWJtNWhjaTUyYjNoaWVVQm5iV0ZwYkM1amIyMGlQbWQxYm01aGNpNTJiM2hpZVVCbmJXRnBiQzVqYjIwOEwyRSs8L3NwYW4+IGVtZXJnZW5jeSBtb2JpbGUgbm86IHRvIFNDRjogPGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MjIyMjY1ODAiPjA3MjIyMjY1ODA8L2E+)
: 3 °C, partially cloudy, gentle breeze.
: 20 kr
: Chicha 08 on Ingenjörsvägen 8

Dear hashers!

It's time for the 7th executive Movember hash, Movember virtual mile and international mans day hash, so grab your stache and join the hash! This time it will be in Årstadal and vicinities.

NOTE: If you want to run the virtual Movember mile as well as the Movember hash you can kill two birds with one stone by turning up before 18 at OnIn in Årstadal and follow the hare on a 3 km prelube. We will start the prelube from the OnIn @18 sharp so don't be a latecomer. More about the virtual Movember mile, see (Unfortunately only in Swedish). Money goes to the battle against prostata cancer. How to prepare yourself, see instructions at the bottom of this page.


Follow the half arrows to the OnIn which is a Peruvian restaurant called Chicha 08. As its a bit more pricy place compared to OnIns we usually hang at so we have negotiated a hash-price on two dishes for 210 SEK each (normally 245) if you let SillyConFeet know before 18.00 on Monday the 14th by texting him on 0722226580 which of the two dishes that you want.

1/ Braised Swedish corn chicken with red onion marinade and rice.

2/ Braised Fish Filet in seafood sauce and rice.

If you miss to inform SillyConFeet about food you will get ordinary price.

To bring

Torch for both runners and walkers and a Mustache if you got one.


Ferdinand TBS SillyConFeet



Preparations before the virtual Movember mile

You need to have a mobile phone with GPS with you, download an app called RaceOne, register and pay 269 or 399 SEK (with T-shirt) according to the detailed instructions below before the prelube @18.

1/ Download the app RaceOne on your mobile

2/ Search for Mustaschmilen and choose the virtuellt alternative

3/ Choose link “Loppbiljett”

4/ Click buy race ticket. Web page will open

5/ Choose “Startplats ink medalj” (start inclusive medal) or “Startplats ink medalj & T-shirt från CRAFT” (start inclusive medal and T-Shirt). Continue

6/ Fill in your details. Sorry, in Swedish. You can choose if you want medal or not. Press continue.

7/ Pay

8/ If you chosen T-shirt, choose size, otherwise go to 9.

9/ Choose Open in app

10/ In App you get your race code. Not sure if that is required to be saved but do so to be sure.

11/ If you want to be associated with the hash, fill in club / team “Stockholm HHH” and press Join with GPS.

12/ Choose Join with GPS

13/ Choose if you want to share with medias such as facebook, twitter etc… and take a selfie if you want, choose “Share your race live with RaceONE”. Skip all of this

14/ Now you are set. Bring your mobile, open the app and press “To start” under “Race”. Leave this until you come to the hash @18 and we do this together.

Last updated almost 2 years ago.